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Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

how does way to overcome so that not felt solitude

that taste lonely very influenced by somebody character,  and adaptation towards environment factor. if has character always wish for another person existence, willing to get part, so risk for solitude higher. this matter differs from good mixer (easy makes, self-supporting, has belief in god and strong confidence, so that there or not it friend bothing;there is no the influence. even less if person has hobby and can menyibuk ownself, like to read, write, mobile in social activity, etc he. this matter is seen, why from watchfulness result, solitude taste very rare met in adolescent age and above age 50 year.

solitude is seen healthwise.

in psychotherapy science, there's only one disease cause, that is disturbance in association. and association has been begun since baby has been gived. lukman, berger explain that be old be load for many person, because age increase is espoused with lose many parts. while ruddock (in roulette and relationship) have a notion, that social alive is activity one who want part,  and look for one who ready to play role complementary (anna a. , m. sidharta,  and m. a. w. brouwer, 1980).

forum k. explain, that watchfulness at english unfolds, old beak age age most often felt solitude. more than around 75% adult felts solitude, averagely age 40 year denunciated age most experience solitude. a watchfulness that reported in journal of clinical nursing canvass around 1300 person with age turns above 18 year at australian, find that solitude taste very rare met in adolescent age and age above 50 year. watchfulness result not yet can be said finals, because not everybody consider solitary or that solitude is as negative matter, may even exist several one who choose loneliness as part from their alive, as expressed by dr. athur cassidy from belfast institute.

research find has strong belied confidence inclined more likes alive menyepi, bonchalant their age. in this case woman that occupied position at most to choose alive dedicates self in their confidence,  and very rare once these women sighs solitaryly they.

felt lonely in the middle of festivity

do you ever felt solitude, while you in the middle of festivity, is walking along at mal, attend a seminar,  or busy is working to chased dead lino? pernahkah you felt self, bothing;there is no friend to share,  or really want to run from situation in this time asa depress? if you have feeling like, careful, because solitude taste can botch well-being (justice forum, 2007).

solitude is one of [the] sadness form. solitude follows psychology science is feeling kucil, full sadness because felt only only alive alone. taste lonely this come from heart, so that busy job environment and friends at sekelilingpun, not will can to chase away taste lonely (justice forum, 2007). furthermore explained also, that this solitude taste is many bumps into career woman and young professional.

know to have cold feet you deeper to unite

road spiritual we not about avoid solitude,  or berputus hope on that solitude. also not about idea that that solitude makes us special or noble. but about face that experience and solitude illusion and admit that it only game ego to hide to love from we. wallahua'lam. . .

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